عيادة الطب العام
The general practitioner helps you with the primary care for you and your family, performs the necessary medical examination...more.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
The obstetrician-gynecologist provides all medical examinations and care for you and your baby, and performs precautionary examinations for ...more.

عيادة جراحة العظام

The orthopedic surgeon helps diagnose bone and joint diseases and injuries, and rehabilitates patients through physiotherapy sessions, repairing....more.
عيادة انف واذن وحنجرة
ENT clinic has many advanced technologies in order to diagnose the popular diseases, also there are a highly experienced doctors that use their knowledge for diagnostic and treatment procedures.
عيادة الأطفال
We have a talented physician in pediatric field and they provide the accurate diagnostic discussions by using a different material in those purposes.
عيادة اسنان
Our dental clinics are very advanced and they have multiple materials that related to dental field in order to provide accurate diagnoses and treatment that are more satisfied to our patients
عيادة العيون
The optical clinic provides accurate solutions for different diseases in the ophthalmic field and there are different facilities that are specialized in this field.

عيادة الباطنة

Our internal medicine clinic provides a specific diagnosis to different diseases and chronic disorders by using advanced materials in this field.
عيادة المسالك البولية
We have a high experienced consultants in the urological field to provide accurate and specific diagnosis for our patient and treat them by using different materials


24 ساعة


عيادة الطب العام

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regavelialia. It is a paradise.